Tag Archives: Miss Selfridge

In the Trenches.

16 Nov

When it comes to my personal style, I spend a lot of time trying to accomplish the anti-trend. So much of fashion is in now – out tomorrow. I would much rather fill my closet with timeless classics.

One such piece to invest in, is the camel trench coat. It is fashionable in its sophistication yet functional in cold weather.

Sounds like a perfect combination to me.

The Trench has sustained itself through many decades of fashion. It is androgynous at its core making it allowable for both Men and Women to wear.

Q: What do Bob Dylan, Meryl Streep in Kramer vs. Kramer, Ryan O’Neal and Ali MacGraw in Love Story have in common?

A: The trench coat

According to Wikipedia,”Invention of the trench coat is claimed by both Burberry and Aquascutum. Aquascutum’s claim dates back to the 1850s, while Thomas Burberry, the inventor of gabardine fabric, submitted a design for an army officer’s raincoat to the United Kingdom War Office in 1901.”

It ultimately doesn’t matter who created the trench coat design because I know this trendy, anti-trend, anomaly will continue to remain relevant each Winter season.

Luella says…Classic Camel, Timeless Trench

(A couple of styles below are NOT true trench coats. I included them anyway.)

Brave the Winter weather in style. As Man of Class said, “It is almost always necessary to sport a trench coat.”

Now go get yours.